The Executive Council

Bridget Scott

Senior Stick

The Senior Stick is the chief representative of the SPCSA and sits on the college’s external Boards and Committees. She works to better the college and ensure that each council member is doing their best to improve college life. Bridget is a fifth-year Faculty of Arts student pursuing a major in History.

Emily Leskiw

Vice Stick

The Vice Stick chairs council meetings and works with the Senior Stick to ensure daily operations of the college run smoothly. Emily is a fourth-year Asper School of Business student pursuing a major in Finance and Marketing.

Alyssa Denis


The Treasurer is responsible for the financial well-being of the organization. He oversees the budget and is responsible for ensuring there is sufficient working capital for all projects taken on by the SPCSA. Alyssa is a fifth-year Asper School of Business student pursuing a major in Finance and Marketing.

Lily Francis

Director of Communications

The Director of Marketing handles the external promotions for council services and events. He keeps the college’s social media accounts updated with any current news for college members. Lily is a third-year Asper School of Business  student.

Mahri Mackay

Director of Events

The Director of Events is in charge of organizing all events held by the SPCSA. She spends time planning creative events and ensuring each event runs smoothly. Mahri is a fouth-year Asper School of Business student.

Kyle Wilfer

Building Manager

The Building Manager oversees the physical property of the SPCSA and manages the distribution of lockers. He ensures you always have a clean microwave to warm up your food. Brendan is a third-year Faculty of Law student.

Kiara Calista


The Secretary is responsible for the administration matters of the SPCSA. She takes minutes at council meetings and ensures all council records are updated regularly. Kiara is a sixth-year Faculty of Engineering student pursuing a major in Biosystems Engineering.

Sharif McCurdy

UMSU Director

The UMSU Directors sit at the UMSU Board of Directors and adjacent committees. Sharif attends UMSU meetings and is the liaison between SPCSA and the Union, ensuring College members have a voice at the highest-decision making student body. Sharif is a second-year Faculty of Arts student pursuing a Major in Religion.

Luca Calista

Fundraising Representative

The Fundraising Representative representative is responsible for raising funds for charities and associations on behalf of the St. Paul’s College. They have been responsible for finding volunteers and raising money for different charities. Luca is a third-year Asper School of Business student.

Ex-Officio Council Members

Brendan Scott

Past Senior Stick

Laura Glleshammer

Senior Advisor


Gabby Denis

Paulinian Editor

Bonita O

Finance Assistant

Siobhan Scott

Marketing Assistant

Riley Turnbull

Sports Representative


Events Assistant

Kiera Wilfer

Fundraising Assistant

Ranger Urbano

Campus Ministry

Myles Cesario

Mauro Centre Representative

Myles Cesario

Nebal Representative

Isabella Borys

Catholic Studies Representative

Rohan Sethi

Graduate Student Advisor


First-Year Representative

Gunjan Thapar

Website Manager

Delphine Braganza

International Representative

Oluwatomileye Fasanmi

International Representative

Paulinian Team

Blake Vermette

Bara Bashir

Gabby Denis

Hans Alday

First-Year Committee

Led by our First Year Representative, Juliana, the First Year Committee is a group of first year students who relay the voices of new U of M students to the Executive Council. Their role is an integral part of Council as they generate ideas and relay information about what first year students would like to see happen around the College.


First Year Representative